From my personal experience in the recent primary election, I am probably the wrong person to ask. Let me say that I think it is highly unlikely. Obviously, I did not think this when I entered the race.
Many people in Wilkes-Barre have no idea what the Wilkes-Barre Record may be nor do many know how important for our future, the recent primary election for Mayor in the City was. Wilkes-Barre PA has a strong Mayor form of government but that does not mean that City Council gets the night off. Council is in charge of making or rescinding all laws and so if they do not like what the Mayor is doing, they can take away his authority to do it. They Mayor can only do what Council permits and authorizes. Additionally, the Mayor has no money to spend on anything other than the money Council appropriates.
If council gives no money the Mayor must come to council and beg for its cooperation, So, why did the Council Members now running for Mayor of WB absolve themselves in the debate forum by saying they (Council) have no power. Why did they not put forth any major ideas and plans about solving the violent crime problem until they decided to run for Mayor? Why is it that any plans they may have are just recently formed? Why did two have to run for Mayor before they could come up with some ideas to help the City they were elected to officiate as members of Council? Where have they been? Where are the other Council members?
My question during the campaign was Will the people of Wilkes-Barre treat the election as a popularity contest and vote for the most popular guy on Council or the one the Mayor said to vote for? I was hoping that the people would say a prayer and ask God to help them find something other than something that was the same as it had been for too many years. I admit, I ran because I thought I was that person.
Thank you for checking this out.
These Brian Kelly for Mayor ads were designed very well by the Times Leader and The Citizens Voice.
The campaign ads in the Times Leader and the Citizens Voice are right here. Simply click on the ad you would like to see.
Click on the ad below to see it in PDF form.
First Ad Friday May 8 & Friday May 15
2nd Ad -- Book - Return to Glory May 15
3rd Ad Citizens Voice May 18